4 Underlying Causes of Rosacea Symptoms

Rosacea is one of the world’s most common skin conditions. Any number of factors can aggravate rosacea symptoms, including too much or too little sunlight, certain beverages, and of course stress. Even worse, the stress cycle can perpetuate itself, as people experiencing outbreaks or symptoms become self-conscious and uncomfortable. This often leads to more pronounced symptoms.

Thankfully, dermatologists and doctors have identified many of the triggers associated with rosacea. People who experience symptoms can control some of the underlying causes with lifestyle changes, though others may require a trip to a dermatologist in Placerville or a nearby location.

This article will discuss four factors that might cause or exacerbate rosacea and similar skin conditions, advising people when to try at-home treatments versus when to seek professional skin treatment in San Francisco or elsewhere.


Most doctors and dermatologists agree that rosacea symptoms are multifunctional, meaning that a number of factors coalesce to cause bumps, redness, or irritated skin. The primary cause of rosacea symptoms is blood vessels that are overly dilated or don’t close when they are supposed to. Until recently, this condition has been largely written-off as genetic, and thus out of a person’s control.

While rosacea does tend to run in family lines, some people within a family are certainly more sensitive to outbreaks than others. Genetics might enhance a person’s likelihood of being prone to rosacea, but genetic makeup is not an end-all, be-all for the condition.

Fair-skinned people with Scotch, English, or Irish ancestry tend to be more prone to rosacea symptoms. What skin doctors disagree about is whether Northern European ancestry is the key link, or whether fair skin itself – in which blood vessels can be seen much more clearly – is the primary driver.

In any event, genetics and skin tone do play a role in the prevalence of rosacea. But there are plenty of fair-skinned people who never experience outbreaks or symptoms.

Rosacea and The Immune System

Many dermatologists and researchers are now theorizing that rosacea outbreaks are an overreaction to common stressors such as sunlight or the microorganisms present on everyone’s skin. While people traditionally think of the immune system as the body’s defense against invading pathogens, more skin experts are coming around to the idea that an exaggerated immune response is what causes many rosacea symptoms.

A small stress – perhaps manageable work stress or a bit too much sun – causes an immune response in humans. In most cases, a person would experience a mild sunburn before their skin got a bit darker, as the skin converted and stored the vitamin D from the UV rays. For many people, there’s a slight period of adjustment and acclimation without noticeable symptoms.

But experts are beginning to believe that people who experience rosacea send their immune system into overdrive in these instances, leading to excessive blood vessel dilation and too much blood being brought to the skin’s surface.

This response is highly inflammatory, ultimately leading to more pronounced rosacea symptoms and a vicious cycle. That said, researchers are locking in on the inflammatory triggers that cause symptoms, and discovering how to chemically create improved immune function.

While most people assume that genetics alone determine immune system strength, there are a number of controllable lifestyle factors that can help or hinder an immune system.

Supplementing with skin-friendly vitamins such as Vitamins D and E, adopting a clean, healthy diet built around natural foods, eliminating or reducing inflammatory foods like processed sugar, and committing to regular exercise will all help bolster one’s immune system. A moderate amount of natural sun exposure has also been proven to bolster immune function in most people.

Poor Connection Between Blood Vessels

Poorly connected blood vessels are another issue that causes rosacea symptoms, and another reason that people should consider finding a good dermatologist near Cameron Park.

This problem actually starts in a person’s nervous system, as the nerves are what signal a person’s blood vessels to relax and contract. If the nervous system messaging is inefficient or poor, then a person could experience excess blood flow to the surface of the skin. This will produce redness and flushing, at the minimum, per several skincare professionals and doctors.

Researchers are theorizing that people who experience major symptoms from rosacea may have an underlying chemical deficiency or disorder which causes this poor neural firing. Inconsistent messaging due to chemical imbalance can cause bumps, redness, pustules, and other symptoms associated with rosacea.

The best way to determine a potential chemical imbalance is to work with a dermatologist in Pleasanton, San Francisco, or nearby areas. A skin doctor should be able to order the appropriate lab tests to determine if a person’s skin condition is due to an underlying chemical imbalance or nervous system issue. Once the chemical imbalance is identified, a skincare specialist can then come up with an appropriate treatment strategy.


Researchers believed for quite some time that a particular strain of bacteria called H. pylori – traditionally linked to intestinal problems like ulcers – was a key contributor to rosacea symptoms. But this idea is disproven by the fact that thousands of people who do not have the bacteria in their intestinal tract experience symptoms of rosacea.

People who experience symptoms can be tested for H. pylori, and a concerted effort to improve intestinal health will likely reduce symptoms. Populating the intestines with helpful bacteria while removing the acid-forming foods from a diet that feed bad bacteria is a highly recommended strategy for managing symptoms.

Rosacea is a very frustrating, sometimes embarrassing condition, but dermatologists and skin care specialists know now more than ever before about the condition. By understanding the underlying causes better, dermatologists can now treat symptoms easier and more effectively.


Disclaimer: We are unable to guarantee any result, even though most of our patients do see success. The results of our services will vary greatly to each patient’s level of commitment and compliance with the program.

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