Dermatology News
This is a great page to bookmark because you can watch our skin treatment videos and keep up on the news from our many dermatology offices. See how we provide some of our anti-aging treatments, or explore interviews with our dermatologists. Learn more about the many services we provide to our patients.

Botox® Cosmetic Training Center
National Physician Training Center and Top 1% In The World!
Allergan, Inc., the makers of BOTOX® Cosmetic has awarded the Berman Skin Institute the coveted “Black Diamond” classification, recognizing us as the top 1% of clinics in the world in providing BOTOX® Cosmetic to patients. We are also the area’s designated national physician training center where we train physicians on this wonderful procedure. BOTOX® Cosmetic remains the number one most commonly performed cosmetic procedure in the United States.

Figure Magazine Article Features Dr. Berman Discussing Laser Hair Removal
Excerpt from article: “Laser Therapies are ‘state-of-the-art,’ says Laser Hair Removal (LHR) pioneer David Berman, M.D. With LHR, a trained dermatologist or cosmetic surgeon passes a laser (chosen for skin tone or hair type and color) over the area…” This article also discusses other options for hair removal including shaving, plucking, threading, waxing and electrolysis.”

Mercury Newspaper Article Features Dr. Berman Discussing Hair Transplantation
“Dr. Berman is Principal Investigator for a Robot-Controlled Hair Transplantation procedure which could revolutionize the field of hair transplantation. This and other techniques of moving one hair at a time has made hair transplantation the number one most popular cosmetic procedure for men in the world. Results are natural and patients are back to work the next day.”

USA Today’s “Weekend” Newspaper Features David A. Berman, MD
This article from USA Weekend, a USA Today Publication is Titled: Savvy Tips To Win An Appointment With An Elite And Overbooked Specialist. …There’s nothing wrong with explaining to the doctor’s staff about how much time and energy you’ve already spent. “Physicians big and small like to treat and help people,” says David Berman, a Los Altos, Calif.-based dermatologist and dermatologic laser surgeon who has treated Silicon Valley CEOs and athletes with the San Francisco Giants. “We are not exclusionary. However, it never hurts to say, ‘I am coming from a long way,’ or ‘I’ve failed eight other treatments, and I feel this doctor has the greatest chance of helping me.'”

Front Page Article in San Jose Mercury Newspaper Features Dr. Berman
Dr. Berman discusses his views on Accutane IPledge Patient Registry Program. Accutane is a potent medication used to treat severe cystic acne. The IPledge Program is designed to better inform patients of the risks and benefits of this medication by requiring both patients and physicians to register all Accutane patients online. Female patients of child bearing potential will then be required to log into the website each month while on this medication. In the article, Dr. Berman states that “The new verification system is extreme, but if this is what keeps it from being pulled off the market, I agree it’s a necessity”
Detecting Contact Dermatitis
Learn how everyday products may lead to itchy or red skin. Dr. Dean Edell interviews Dr. Berman on the leading causes of contact dermatitis. Dr. Berman demonstrates a skin test which reveals the patient’s allergic reactions.

Dr. Berman featured in Real Simple
Summer Skin Survival Guide – In this issue of Real Simple, read Dr. Berman’s advice on how to care for and heal insect bites. The article continues to explore seasonal pests and serves as a comprehensive guide to the early detection of Lyme disease. These seasonal tips and at home advice help fight off the bugs and mosquitoes that appear in the summertime.

Dr. Berman featured in Loud
Laser Tatto Removal- This issue provides information regarding safety as well as realistic expectations and the number of treatments needed for complete tattoo removal. In a addition Dr. Berman discusses the financial commitment required for tattoo removal based on “size, complexity, and depth of the tattoo.”

Dr. Berman offers recommendations on sun protection in Baby Talk
Get-Real Sun Guide – This issue provides a helpful list of tips on protecting little ones from excessive sun exposure. Dr. Berman advises parents to look for specific ingredients in sunscreen such as zinc oxide and titanium dioxide as they are less irritating to baby skin. Furthermore, Dr. Berman addresses both preventative care, as well as how to treat sun exposed skin.

Sunscreen advice from Dr. Berman in Scuba Magazine
“Don’t Get Burned – Sunscreen 101” – Dr. Berman explains the meaning behind SPF, Sun Protection Factor, and advises on the proper uses of sunscreen.
He recommends frequent reapplying of sunscreen when outdoors, particularly when coming out of the water. The article also explores which key ingredients are most important to look for when shopping for sunscreen, among them being Parsol 1789, zinc oxide, oxybenzone, or titanium dioxide.

Dr. Berman offers advice for kids skin care in Bay Area Parent
Summer Skin Safety – Dr. Berman discusses several key tips on protecting children from common summertime problems including overexposure to the sun, bug bites, poison oak, and chlorine. He suggests safeguarding children with the appropriate over-the-counter products depending on the situation.

Dr. Berman featured in First for Women
Beauty News – “The Best Ways to Get a Beautiful Bikini Line” – In this article, Dr. Berman clarifies the medical aspect of safe and effective hair removal as well as the causes behind ingrown hairs. Also, several tips are offered on how to avoid red bumps and ingrowns. Laser hair removal serves as an excellent solution to a smooth and hair-free bikini line.

Dr. Berman interviewed for
“Exercise Your Body & Skin” – Dr. Berman explains the connection between healthy lifestyle and exercise to better skin. Follow the link to learn more about the affects of stress on your complexion.

Dr. Berman featured on ABC News’ Dr. Dean Edell program
Dr. Berman performed laser hair removal on ABC7 News with Dr. Dean Edel. See this extraordinary procedure now reduce hair growth on all skin types, including African-American skin tones.

Dr. Berman featured on ABC News’ Dr. Dean Edell program
17 million people suffer from acne in the United States, making this the most common skin disease in this country. Our center is at the forefront in treating acne, and we continue to offer the latest tools to fight this distressing problem. Recently, Dr. Berman was featured on ABC News’ Dr. Dean Edell program on lasers for acne. Laser and photodynamic therapy is so effective, that many patients no longer need systemic antibiotics. Articles in leading medical journals, including a recent article in the respected British medical journal, The Lancet, have shown that such treatments are indeed very effective.

View Dr. Berman Performing Laser Wrinkle Removal on the Discovery Channel
Laser Resurfacing for Wrinkles

JUVEDERM is the New Wrinkle Fighter
Allergan Corp., the makers of both BOTOX® COSMETIC and the facial filler, JUVEDERM™ awarded The Berman Skin Institute the coveted “Black Diamond” classification. Allergan can detail physician experience on the basis of amount of medication administered to all patients annually, and their “Black Diamond” classification for the Berman Skin Institute thus recognizes this center as one of the most experienced in the world for administering the combination of BOTOX® COSMETIC and JUVEDERM™ facial filler.
JUVEDERM is a “next generation” smooth gel, non-animal dermal filler offering a natural look/feel and long-lasting results for one year. The results for the “tear troughs” (hollowness under the eyes lasts for over 10 years for most individuals). JUVEDERM™ dermal filler lasts long because it’s the only dermal filler currently available with the highest concentration of hyaluronic acid and a special formulation process. This process creates a smooth gel that flows easily into the skin, creating smooth, natural looks.

Laser Melts Fat Away During Liposuction
Dr. Berman now often combines the safe and time-tested tumescent approach with the newer SmartLipo Laser device to permit even more fat extraction during body contouring procedures. Most patients return to work after 2 days with feelings of sore muscles and minimal to no bruises.
Leg Vein Center Expands
Our Leg Vein Center continues to grow, with the addition of ultrasound-guided leg vein treatments, and fiber optic EndoVenous Laser Treatments (EVLT) for the largest varicose veins. Most insurance companies now cover fees for these larger, often painful varicosities.

40 Lasers & Growing
The Berman Skin Institute now has 40 lasers full-time to treat a variety of cosmetic and medical conditions.
PhotoFacial with No Downtime
Remarkable new PhotoFacial Intense Pulsed Light IPL improves the appearance of Photo-aged skin on the face and body with no down-time. By treating broken capillaries and age spots (sun-induced freckles), IPL creates smoother looking skin through a process called Photo-Rejuvenation. Non-laser Photo-Rejuvenation is far more effective than just creams and medications.