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About Laser Treatments

Acne and rosacea can now be treated by lasers with impressive results. Due to the growing incidence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, novel approaches to treating acne and rosacea have been approved which may limit the need for oral antibiotics and topical medications.


  • Effective
  • No down time
  • Reduces acne
  • Reduces rosacea
  • Reduces or eliminates use of oral antibiotics
  • Reduces rhinophyma (enlarged nose from rosacea)
  • Reduces sebaceous gland hyperplasia
  • Eliminates concerns of antibiotic-resistant bacteria
  • Minimal risk


Acne Surgery, Chemical Peels, Clinical Facial, Medications (Antibiotics, Topical, Accutane), Microdermabrasion, Prescription Topical Medication, Prescription Oral Medication, Blu-U Light Therapy, Berman Skin Institute Skin Care Products and Photodynamic Therapy.

How Does it Work?

Patients undergo one or more sessions with either the V Beam Laser, the Quantum SR PhotoFacial-IPL device, the KTP laser, or the Blu-U device. During these treatments, a light is painlessly passed over the surface of the skin.

Laser treatments for acne and other skin diseases take advantage of photochemical reactions between naturally produced photosensitizing agents within the skin, light, and oxygen. The laser light activates an endogenous and naturally produced chemical in the skin causing a photochemical reaction which destroys acne-causing bacteria. Additionally, the lasers directly shrink sebaceous glands, reducing the oil that bacteria feed on.

The end result is less bacteria, less inflammation and a great reduction in acne lesions. The 21 minute procedure is followed by avoidance of the sun for a few days and the application of a gel or liquid sunscreen.

Who is a Candidate?

Anyone who is suffering from acne may consider these treatments with the exception of patients with lupus or other photosensitivity diseases.

What can I Expect?

More even, glowing and smoother skin tones with less acne.

Results may vary.

Safety & Side Effects

These treatments are considered very safe. A thorough evaluation by your medical provider is necessary. The specific risks and the suitability of these procedures for a given individual can be determined only at the time of consultation. All procedures have some degree of risk. Minor complications that do not affect the outcome occur occasionally.

Recovery Time

While most patients have no irritation to the skin, some will note a mild sunburn-like reaction which fades in a few days.

Does it Hurt?

This is a painless procedure.

Before Treatment Instructions

Avoid excessive sunlight for 3 days before procedure.

After Treatment Instructions

Avoid excessive sunlight for three days after procedure. Avoid excessively drying topical medications for three days after the procedure.

Who Performs the Treatments?

Our Physicians, Physician Assistants and Registered Nurses.

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