Same-Day Appointments Available
*Schedule a complimentary consultation online or in-person.
IPL for Wrinkles and Lax Skin
About IPL PhotoFacial
The PhotoFacial-Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) is a treatment breakthrough that can correct many skin conditions without down time, creating clearer, more vibrant and youthful skin through a process called Photo-Rejuvenation. One to five sessions are recommended. Most commonly treated areas include the face, neck and chest; however, other popular areas include the back of the hands, arms, legs and even the back.
PhotoFacial Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) – Procedure
Benefits of IPL PhotoFacial
- Return to normal activity immediately after procedure
- Minimal risk
- Reduces wrinkles
- Reduces aged and sun-damaged skin
- Reduces brown age and liver spots, discoloration and freckles
- Reduces the redness of rosacea
- Reduces acne scars
- Tightens skin and stimulates new collagen growth to improve skin tone
- Removes broken capillaries and redness of the face, neck and chest
- Reduction of unwanted hair
Photofacial IPL Testimonial
How Does it Work?
A chilled sapphire cooling tip is applied to the skin’s surface. The PhotoFacial device produces a bright beam of light which is gently absorbed into the underlying layers of the skin where new collagen is stimulated to grow. As new collagen fibers form, lines and imperfections diminish. No tissue is removed and no bandages are required. This treatment also coagulates and removes dilated capillaries and brown spots on the skin without the bruising associated with other laser treatments.
All patients should undergo a series of such treatments. Treatments are normally spaced three weeks apart in the beginning, then every four months as a maintenance program.
Photofacial IPL Testimonial
See Dr. Berman performing no down time anti aging procedures on National TV
Who is a Candidate?
Most skin types can undergo this procedure.
Does IPL Help with Wrinkles?
Reduction of fine lines, redness, brown spots, and the reduction in hair is astounding.
Results will vary.
Safety & Side Effects
This treatment has a very strong track record for safety and precision. Redness or flushing usually goes away in a few hours. Brown spots may turn slightly darker for a few days, and then flake off. Side effects are rare and generally temporary. The specific risks and the suitability of these procedures for a given individual can be determined only at the time of consultation. All procedures have some degree of risk. Minor complications that do not affect the outcome occur occasionally.
IPL Wrinkles Treatment Recovery Time
You can return to work the same day and resume most of your regular activities. By dividing the full program into several treatments, the procedure provides gradual improvement with very low risk. Return to normal activity immediately after procedure.
*Schedule a complimentary consultation online or in-person.
Does it Hurt?
The PhotoFacial device has a contact cooling crystal which is applied close to the skin’s surface to eliminate discomfort for most patients. Anesthetics are not needed, though patients with very sensitive skin may apply a numbing cream 30 minutes before the procedure if desired.
Before Treatment Instructions
Avoid excessive sun exposure. Avoid tanning for one month before your treatment.
After Treatment Instructions
Wash the area with a mild soap and gently pat dry, then apply a soothing moisturizer to the skin. Avoid excessive sun exposure and tanning for one week after your treatment. Consider the use of sunscreens. Patients who undergo the treatment to remove brown discoloration should consider the use of fading creams and sunscreen after the procedure.
Who Performs the Treatments?
Our Physicians, Physician Assistants and Registered Nurses.
- Botox
- Chemical Peels
- Collagen
- Cosmoderm and Cosmoplast
- Fat Transfer Micro-lipo-injection
- Laser Skin Resurfacing
- Lunchtime Laser Toning
- Microdermabrasion
- One-Pass CO2 Laser Resurfacing
- PhotoDynamic Therapy
- Radiesse
- Restylane and Perlane
- Retinoic Acid Creams
- UltraSoftForm Lip Implants.
PhotoFacial-Intense Pulsed Light Gallery
PhotoFacial IPL for Broken Capillaries, Redness
PhotoFacial IPL for Brown Spots
*Results may vary.
Special Ends Sept 15th