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Tips to Avoid Common Eczema Triggers

Living with eczema can be tough, and people who have been diagnosed with this condition not only have to put extra care into the affected areas but also go out of their way to avoid any day-to-day triggers that could result in a rash characterized by itchy, dry inflammation.

While the specific cause of eczema is not yet fully understood, what is known is that people who live with this condition have immune systems that overreact to certain environmental stimulants. Eczema may first appear in childhood, but can also show up later in life and is a very common condition, affecting up to 30 percent of the American population. An eczema outbreak will usually subside over time, but people who live with eczema also might continue to experience experiencing more outbreaks throughout their lifetime, especially in the case of adult eczema.

The good news is that anybody living with eczema doesn’t have to suffer alone, and a skin doctor in Roseville or the surrounding area can provide topical creams or laser skin treatment in Walnut Creek that can help shorten the duration of the outbreak and alleviate any uncomfortable symptoms. As such, anybody who has an uncomfortable rash that isn’t going away should book an appointment with their local dermatologist in San Francisco to find out more.

However, when it comes to living with eczema, skin treatment in Walnut Creek is only part of the puzzle, and to reduce the degree and severity of flare-ups and promote healing, people living with eczema should take steps not only to reduce stress in their day-to-day lives but also to avoid coming into contacts with potential triggers that can incite a new outbreak or make an existing condition worse.

As such, this article is going to cover some common triggers that are often known to aggravate eczema and also what those living with this condition can do to avoid and alleviate these triggers. Read on to find out more.

Keep a Food Journal

It is not uncommon for certain types of food to trigger an eczema reaction. However, the tricky part can be finding out what particular foods a person is reacting to. This is where a food journal comes in handy. By taking the time to record what a person is consuming throughout the day, they will be able to narrow in on the types of foods that are always associated with a reaction.

Admittedly, the technique isn’t perfect, and for it to work, a person will have to suffer through a flare-up just to zero in on the cause, but over time it will make it easy to pick up the patterns and help prevent reactions in the future.

Once a trigger is pinpointed, it should be eliminated from the diet for at least a few weeks and maybe gradually reintegrated in absence of any flare-ups or reactions. However, it is best to always consult with a dermatologist in Palo Alto before reintroducing a type of food that has been known to cause a reaction in the past.

Keep in mind that any type of food can cause an allergic reaction, but the most that the types of foods that tend to be most heavily associated with a risk of eczema reactions are those that have already have inflammatory qualities. This includes anything high in sugar, refined carbs, red meat, dairy, or gluten. In general, if the ingredient list is packed with more than 20 items, many of which are hard to read or have long scientific-sounding names, it’s probably better to pass on that item and opt for something simple and fresh instead.

Avoid Exposure to Extreme Temperatures

Exposure to hot and cold air both tend to be associated with eczema flare-ups. Obviously, a person cannot control the weather, but they can control how they deal with it.

When the mercury drops in the winter, take care to always dress in plenty of soft, breathable layers and be sure to bundle up so that as little skin as possible is exposed when stepping outside. Keep a high-quality moisturizer on hand and apply liberally throughout the day, and keep a humidifier in the home to mitigate the dryness caused by artificial heating.

Meanwhile, make an effort to stay as cool as possible in the summer. Sweating is the real culprit to be avoided, so try to avoid physical exertion on particularly hot days and drink plenty of fluids throughout the day to stay hydrated.

It can be tempting to take long hot or cold showers to mitigate temperature variations, but prolonged water exposure is yet another trigger commonly associated with eczema flare-ups, so try to spend no more than 10–15 minutes a day bathing, soaking, or swimming.

Manage Stress

Stress may not be a direct cause of eczema, but it can trigger symptoms, increase the severity of flare-ups, and prevent healing. This is because when the body experiences stress, it releases a hormone called cortisol, which triggers inflammation throughout the body, which can, in turn, provoke eczema symptoms.

When it comes to managing stress, it is all about tapping into those activities that trigger a relaxation response. Different people have different ways that they like to decompress, but breathing exercises, meditations, therapy, and activities such as yoga and tai chi have all proven effective, as has simply getting more shut-eye and a regular daily dose of physical exercise.

Stay Away From Harsh Chemicals and Fragrances

Many people don’t realize that the products they use in their day-to-day lives may be triggering their eczema. In fact, the standard cleaning products, dish soaps, and even personal products such as soaps, shampoos, conditioners, and lotions tend to be loaded with dyes, chemicals, and harsh scents, all can trigger eczema.

This means that people living with eczema should take care to buy gentle, unscented products made from high-quality ingredients. For those who love the smell of a clean room, biodegradable and eco-friendly cleaners can also be good alternatives, because they tend to use more natural-based scents.

The Takeaway

Eczema is certainly not fun to deal with, but with the help of a dermatologist in San Francisco, it can be effectively managed and alleviated over time, especially if a person learns to identify and avoid triggers. This is why anybody who thinks that they may be suffering from eczema should reach out to a skin doctor in Roseville to find out more.

Disclaimer: We are unable to guarantee any result, even though most of our patients do see success. The results of our services will vary greatly to each patient’s level of commitment and compliance with the program.

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