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How to Minimize and Relieve Itchy Skin

How to Minimize and Relieve Itchy Skin

There are many known causes of itchy skin — eczema, allergy, or psoriasis, to name a few. Sometimes, though, people get itchy without cause, and it can still be as persistent if not more persistent than conditions like eczema. Chronic idiopathic urticaria can plague the skin without rhyme or reason, and without treatment from one of the helpful professionals in San Francisco, it can be hard to manage.

Here are some of the steps that can be taken in order to alleviate symptoms and prevent future outbreaks of itchiness.

1. Do not scratch

Instead, apply a cold cloth or wrapped-up ice pack to the affected area. This can be done for up to 10 minutes or until the itching subsides. Alternatively, oatmeal baths or baking soda baths have proven effective, especially in the case of blisters or opened skin from all the scratching. When bathing or showering in normal water, try to limit them to 10 minutes and use lukewarm instead of scalding hot water.


2. Reduce stress

Stress is known to make itching worse. It is easier said than done, but some tangible measures that can be taken to minimize stress on the body are things like keeping the house a cool temperature, wearing loose-fitting clothes, and use fragrance-free lotions and soaps to minimize irritation. All-natural essential oils and diffusers can be a good way to relax, but use with caution and careful observation of how the body reacts.

3. Moisturize and apply ointments

Even when an outbreak is not present, moisturize that skin. Having healthy skin will help prevent blistering for when an outbreak does occur. Look for moisturizers that promote replenishing the skin barrier. Additionally, applying cooling agents like calamine and menthol can help alleviate the burning sensation that comes from an itch. Some people like to keep these ointments refrigerated for an extra cooling sensation. Another option is applying a topical ointment containing pramoxine, which acts as an anesthetic to the area.


4. See a professional

When everything else is not working, or even if it is, see a professional dermatologist. They may be able to identify a trigger that had not been noticed previously or prescribe ointments and medication that would not otherwise be available over the counter. For some with chronic idiopathic urticaria, extra-strength anti-allergen tablets can be prescribed, which have way more antihistamine power than over-the-counter allergy medications. When all else fails, a dermatologist will be able to find the right skin treatment for any challenging itches.

Disclaimer: We are unable to guarantee any result, even though most of our patients do see success. The results of our services will vary greatly to each patient’s level of commitment and compliance with the program.

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