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Can Children Get Athlete’s Foot?

Preventing Athlete’s Foot in Kids

Athlete’s foot is a fungus that can be easily transmitted from
person to person. It can be especially persistent in children. It’s
an extremely unpleasant rash that may both itch and also be painful.
Because it can be transmitted from child to child, an entire school
system can be potentially at risk.

Making Sure Feet are Washed and Dried Daily

Most parents are able to successfully make sure that their
children wash their feet. But parents may not realize that feet also
need to  be dried thoroughly. Wet feet promote fungal growth and
can make it easier for athlete’s foot to develop. Parents should make
sure that they watch their children drying their feet, especially
between their toes. If their children get wet feet at any time (such
as from rain), they should also wash and dry their feet again.

Get Children to Wear Sandals and Slippers When

Athlete’s foot grows better in sweaty environments, including
sneakers. It’s better for children to wear sandals and slippers
whenever possible, such as the warmer summer months. Socks should be
changed frequently when they are worn and closed shoes should never
be worn without socks.

Use Antifungal Solutions

If a current athlete’s foot scare is going on around the school,
it may be advisable to use preventative antifungal solutions.
Children can use a powder that is specially designed to discourage
the potential for athlete’s foot. This should be dusted on in the
morning and the evening. These solutions should also be used if
children appear to be developing the symptoms of athlete’s foot, as
faster treatment is always better.

Have Them Avoid Risk Areas

If a parent has noticed that their child is especially predisposed
towards issues such as athlete’s foot, they may want to prevent their
child from going into known risk areas — such as the showers at the
gym. Parents may want to talk to their children’s teachers to avoid
any unnecessary exposure to potential fungal infections. Other risk
areas could include water parks or simply showers that are used by a
large number of family members.

A skin doctor in Roseville can usually prescribe the medications
needed to treat athlete’s foot. Nevertheless, it’s usually better to
avoid the situation altogether. With the above tips, even children
should have fairly low risk factors.

Disclaimer: We are unable to guarantee any result, even though most of our patients do see success. The results of our services will vary greatly to each patient’s level of commitment and compliance with the program.

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