Debunking Skin Myths: Uncover the Truth about Skincare

When it comes to caring for one’s skin, or applying some sort of treatment offered from a  clinic, there are plenty of myths around. Believing them can cause people to lose plenty of time at best, or at worst, risk their own health. As such, knowing what they are is crucial to avoiding mistakes.

Because skin care is such a subjective field, depending in part on the bodily composition of the person in question, there are a lot of kin treatment methods floating around. Some of these are inherently harmless, while others can lead to potentially serious conditions.

Lying in the Sun for Vitamin D

While it is true that exposure to the sun helps the body with vitamin D, it is by no means the best way. Indeed, ultraviolet light can cause cancer, and thus is quite dangerous. Rather than lying in the sun, one should seek shade as much as possible, and always ensure they are using sunscreen. As far as vitamin D goes, there are supplements one can get it from.

No Sleeping with Makeup On

Another common myth that goes around is that sleeping with makeup on is extremely bad for one’s skin, when this simply isn’t the case. Indeed, if one wears their makeup on for a number of hours during the day, there is no difference if that makeup is still on during the night. The real problem with going to sleep with one’s makeup on is that it means one hasn’t gotten a chance to cleanse their skin.

skin myths debunked

Base Tans Protect From Burns

For one’s cells, every tan is seen as damage to the cellular network, which needs to be repaired. If this is repeated a lot during one’s lifetime, it may lead to mutations, which may lead to skin cancer. Protection, in this regard, is much better than having to seek a skin treatment in San Francisco later on.

Facial Exercises Can Drive Wrinkles Away

Once wrinkles form, there is no way to get rid of them naturally, and this is the sad truth. While there are massages one can do to relax the skin, and keep wrinkles from deepening, there is no exercise that can erase them. In fact, some exercises may even aggravate the ones that are already there, due to constant movement of the muscles.

Moisturizers Don’t Work

While many people swear by their moisturizers, some say that regardless of how much of those they apply, their skin is still dry. What is probably happening in this case is that the skin may have too many layers of dead-cell-buildup, which is blocking the moisturizers. As such, they should exfoliate first.

Anti-Aging Products Remove Wrinkles

While it’s tempting to believe that anti-aging products can remove all traces of wrinkles, this is only a form of wishful thinking. As of yet, there is no scientific method to reverse visible signs of aging. The way most anti-aging products function is by adding moisture to the skin, subtly engorging the area so that wrinkles are not as apparent. It should by no means be thought that the wrinkles are removed by anti-aging products — they are merely hidden by them. These products, while effective in temporarily hiding visible wrinkles, are no permanent solution to visible signs of aging.

High SPF Sunscreen Provides the Best Results

Although it’s always advised that people use a sunscreen with an SPF over 15 (even when they plan on being outside for a small amount of time), it’s important to note that a high SPF sunscreen only protects the skin from UVB rays, which are the rays that tend to cause sunburn on the skin’s surface.
However, several sunscreens do not offer protection from UVA and UVC rays, both of which can potentially travel deep into the skin, potentially causing skin cancer. While high SPF sunscreens are recommended for their UVB ray protection, it’s advised that people seek sunscreens that also offer protection from UVA and UVC rays.

Certain Makeups Offer Protection from the Sun

Some makeups are advertised as including sunscreen in their composition, with SPF levels going as high as 30. Because of this, it’s tempting for people to believe that they don’t require sunscreen during long hours spent outside on a sunny day, since their foundation is effectively doing the job for them. However, it’s important to note that these forms of makeup only provide a very thin layer of sun protection; one would have to apply ten times the regular amount of makeup in order to be sufficiently protected from the sun.

Acne can be Remedied through Hard Skin Scrubbing

It is commonly believed that a hard scrubbing session can remove the appearance of acne, keeping the face looking youthful and healthy. However, this is a misconception; human skin requires oils that are naturally produced by the body in order to be fully protected. Aggressive scrubbing can potentially remove much of the natural oils found on the skin. This may lead to further damage in the form of rashes appearing on the skin. Furthermore, scrubbing does not necessarily aid in removing acne from the skin, especially when breakouts are hormonal in nature.

Disclaimer: We are unable to guarantee any result, even though most of our patients do see success. The results of our services will vary greatly to each patient’s level of commitment and compliance with the program.



Picture of Dr. Julia Arzeno, MD, FAAD

Dr. Julia Arzeno, MD, FAAD

Dr. Julia Arzeno is a board-certified dermatologist and the Medical Director at Berman Skin Institute in the San Francisco Bay Area. With a distinguished academic background from UCLA and specialized training in Mohs Micrographic Surgery, she has successfully completed over 2000 Mohs procedures.

Dr. Arzeno is dedicated to providing personalized patient care and is actively involved in dermatologic research, contributing to numerous publications and presentations in her field.

Her commitment to advancing dermatology and enhancing patient outcomes reflects her passion for exceptional medical service. This content has been medically reviewed by a qualified medical professional.

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